ISSSI 2023 Abstract and Paper Submission
We are still accepting abstracts:
The second call for abstracts is now open for the 1st Interdisciplinary Symposium on Smart and Sustainable Infrastructures, as well the full paper submission portal, for those who have already received the acceptance notification and are ready to make their final paper submission to ISSSI 2023. Please see the invitation from the conference chair to submit an abstract to ISSSI 2023 below.
Once you receive a formal abstract acceptance notification from the conference technical committee, you would have the following two options:
Option A: Submit a full paper for review and inclusion in the Refereed Proceedings.
Option B: Instead of a full paper, you may submit a 4-page extended abstract to be included in the Non-Refereed Book of Extended Abstracts.
Note: Both the Refereed Proceedings and the Non-Refereed Book of Extended Abstracts will be available to all ISSSI 2023 participants.
2nd Call for Abstracts is Now Open!

Invitation from the Chair
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to formally announce that the 77th RILEM Annual Week will be held on September 4 – 8, 2023, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Along with RILEM Week 2023, we are also proud to launch the 1st Interdisciplinary Symposium on Smart & Sustainable Infrastructures (ISSSI 2023), which aims to create a multidisciplinary environment of mutual cooperation between experts in materials and structures.
We believe that with strong presence of industry and government on a common platform with the academia, significant cross-fertilization of ideas is made possible and innovative solutions are shaped.
The details of the call for abstracts, the symposium focus areas, and the important dates are all available her on our event website.
It is our pleasure to cordially invite you to join us by sharing your research contributions during the RILEM Week 2023 in Vancouver. Please accept our invitation by submitting a brief abstract (~ 200 words) of your proposed paper through our website.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or inquiries via email at We look forward to your research communications and active participation in RILEM Week 2023.

Chair, RILEM Week 2023
Prof. Sidney Mindess FEC, P.Eng, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Applied Science | Civil Engineering Department
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
6250 Applied Science Lane | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada