Course C - Performance Bases Asphalt Recycling


This short course will focus on the concept of performance-based approaches for hot and cold asphalt material recycling for use in pavement construction. The use of performance-based specifications (PBS) and the balanced mix design (BMD) concepts allow transportation agencies to use laboratory measured performance indices to recycle asphalt materials in a responsible manner while ensuring the performance of roadways are not sacrificed. Various recently developed PBS and BMD methodologies increase recycled asphalt amount will be presented along with select case studies that discuss implementation efforts of transportation agencies and construction contractors.

Course Outline & Syllabus

Introduction to Recycling of Asphalt Materials

Performance based approaches for asphalt binders


Performance based approaches hot and warm asphalt mixtures

Performance based approaches bituminous stabilized (cold recycled) materials

Development of performance-based specifications to support recycling

Case studies

Course Conductors

Hassan Baaj

Professor, University of Waterloo

Dr. Hassan Baaj is a Professor at the University of Waterloo, Director of the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology, and Norman McLeod Chair in Sustainable Pavement Engineering. He is the past chair of the Soil and Materials Standing Committee of the Transportation Association of Canada and the chair of the Technical Committee 278-Crack Healing of Asphalt of the RILEM. In 2020, Dr. Baaj was elected a RILEM Expert and member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the RILEM. His current research focuses on mechanistic pavement design methods, smart and sustainable pavement materials, and advanced pavement management systems. 

Alan Carter

Professor, ETS Montreal

Dr. Carter is a full professor in the construction engineering department at Ecole de technologie supérieure (ETS) in Montreal, Canada. Professor Carter works mostly on pavement recycling, on the use of alternative binders in pavement materials and on pavement reinforcement. He is the deputy chair of RILEM TC 280-CBE “Multiphase characterization of cold bitumen emulsion materials”, the chair of TG1 on cold recycling of RILEM TC-PAR “Performance-based Asphalt Recycling”. Prof. Carter is the actual president of ISAP, a past president of the Canadian Technical Asphalt association (CTAA), an associate editor for the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering and a member of the editorial board of the Road Materials and Pavement Design journal.

Eshan Dave

Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire

Eshan Dave is a Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New Hampshire. Eshan obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois. He is convener for the RILEM cluster on bituminous materials and polymers. He is also deputy chair for the RILEM TC 308-PAR (Performance based Asphalt Recycling). Eshan’s research and teaching interests are in the theme of performance based design, specification and management of pavement infrastructure, life cycle assessment, resiliency of transportation to changing climate and cold climate infrastructure sensing and operations.

Gabriele Tebaldi

Associate Professor, University of Parma

Gabriele Tebaldi is Associate Professor at University of Parma and Visiting Research Professor at University of New Hampshire. Dr. Tebaldi got is PhD at University of Ancona (now Polytechnic University of Marche). He is RILEM Fellow, member of RILEM Development Advisory Committee and Chairman of RILEM TC 308 PAR (Performance based Asphalt Recycling). He is the current President of European Asphalt Technology Association, Member of the Board of Directors and Former President of ISAP – International Society Asphalt Pavements. Dr. Tebaldi is Editor in Chief of the international journal Road Materials and Pavement Design and Associate Editor of the international journal Materials and Structures. Dr. Tebaldi research interests are performance evaluation of bituminous materials, pavement evaluation, hot and cold asphalt recycling and by-products recycling in pavements materials.